God's People Coming Home
Prayer Psalms
Ephraim Frank has found the Psalms to be a wonderful source of inspiration, hope, encouragement, comfort, and exhortation. The words that were penned by King David revealed Ephraim’s own heart-felt needs and at the same time made known an Almighty Creator and Father, whose very nature fulfilled every aspect of those needs. Consequently, Ephraim began to pray the Psalms in first person. When he became familiar with the Hebrew language of the Psalms, and especially with the names of the Almighty, he realized that each of the names and titles accorded to Him fit man’s many complex requirements. Ephraim incorporated those names, as well as other Hebrew terms to the personalized Psalms, adding a depth of richness and meaning from the original language of Hebrew. This volume, of all 150 Prayer Psalms, includes a CD of the book’s Glossary (which is the full list of the Hebrew terms, transliterated and translated).
ISBN 0-9785398-1-8
Published by: Golden Eagle Publishing
A Division of Living Word Ministries International
Telephone: (US) 1-303-989-2208
Online: www.LivingWordMinistriesIntl.org
Email: lwmisos@gmail.com