Listen to the song, “Firstborn”
by James Block
Anticipating the Restoration of the Whole House of Israel
Ephraim and Rimona Frank have been involved in the restoration of the whole house of Israel since 1982. Ephraim is American born, and has been in Israel since 1978, having lived on a kibbutz for 5 years, he and Rimona were married there in 1982. Rimona is Israeli born. The couple has a son and a daughter, both have served in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). Ephraim has been studying and teaching the “Gospel of the Kingdom from the Torah and the Prophets” as a full time vocation. His testimony is published in a book he had written called, Return to the Land. Rimona has been mainly writing on the “Hebraic mindset” as reflected in Biblical Hebrew.
New e-Booklet by Ephraim and Rimona Frank
The wilderness journey of our Israelite forefathers is an example, a type and a pattern for us now in this generation (see 1 Corinthians 10:1-11). Verse 11 of 1st Corinthians 10 is especially appropriate: “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (italics added). If these words were relevant about 1900 years ago and more, how much more so for us! With this thought in mind, the Beyond the Mountain manuscript is especially aimed at targeting the exhortation issued to our forebears by YHVH: “You have dwelt long enough at this mountain” (Deuteronomy 1:6). Learning from the lessons of the past, perhaps we can avoid some of the errors (and worse) that were committed by our ancestors, as we follow our crucified and resurrected Messiah in humility, obedience and faithfulness, at the pace determined by Him, and move “beyond the mountain”. |
![]() Please download“Beyond the Mountain” |
Books by Ephraim and Rimona Frank
Click on a book to learn more about it . . . .
![]() Return to the Land |
![]() Prayer Psalms |
![]() Creation RevisitedCreation Revisited also available in Dutch: Een nieuwe blik op de schepping |
![]() Firstborn Factor in the Plan of RedemptionNon-English Language Versions of “Firstborn Factor”
Interview with Ephraim Frank
Recently Ephraim Frank did an extensive (two hour) interview with Al and Tommie Cooper which was broadcast on God’s Learning Channel. The entire interview is available for viewing here. To facilitate viewing, the interview is broken down into four sessions, each approximately 30 minutes in length. Simply click on the session you’d like to view below.
- God’s Learning Channel Interview with Ephraim Frank, Part One of Four
- God’s Learning Channel Interview with Ephraim Frank, Part Two of Four
- God’s Learning Channel Interview with Ephraim Frank, Part Three of Four
- God’s Learning Channel Interview with Ephraim Frank, Part Four of Four
Ephraim and Rimona Frank on
During Sukkot 2011, Ephraim and Rimona Frank taught inside the Old City walls of Jerusalem, Israel (L’Chayim Ephraim Event).
- Part 1: Rimona shares on “the Falling Succah (booth) of David” (Amos 9:11)
- Part 2: Ephraim shares on the Israelite identity, Covenants of the Patriarchs, sin of Jeroboam, and the legality of repentance.
- Part 3: Ephraim shares on the Israelite identity, Covenants of the Patriarchs, sin of Jeroboam, and the legality of repentance.
- Part 4: Ephraim shares on the Israelite identity, Covenants of the Patriarchs, sin of Jeroboam, and the legality of repentance.
- Part 5: Ephraim shares on the Israelite identity, Covenants of the Patriarchs, sin of Jeroboam, and the legality of repentance.
- Part 6: Ephraim shares on the Israelite identity, Covenants of the Patriarchs, sin of Jeroboam, and the legality of repentance.
Ephraim and Rimona Frank on Finland’s TV-7
During a visit to Finland in the Autumn of 2012, Ephraim and Rimona Frank were asked to appear on local television channel 7.
Feel free to email Ephraim if you have any questions or comments.